Are new construction windows right for your home?
New construction windows vary from replacement windows primarily by the way in which they are installed. A new construction window means that your existing window is removed and, the existing window frame and the interior and exterior trims are also removed. A new window is then framed, installed and, interior and exterior trim added. Replacing your windows with the “new construction” installation choice is often also referred to as a “full-frame replacement”.
New construction windows come in a variety of finish choices including wood, vinyl, and Bettergrain Premium Woodgrain. Bruin can help you choose the right new construction window for your home – from the type of finish choice to the screens, grids and hardware. In our showroom we have many different windows on display so you can see the many window options yourself.
New Construction Windows Pros
- No loss of glass area
- Integrated look for your home
- Completely customizable choices
New Construction Windows Cons- More expensive than new replacement windows
- Longer installation process
- Depending on your choices, you may need to paint interior and/or exterior trim